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There are a few ways to determine what version of OSX you are on.


From a Terminal shell, you can try it out: $ vi hello.cs $ csc hello.cs $ mono hello.exe Hello, World $ Most users would be using the MonoDevelop IDE to create their projects. You will have a choice of GUI toolkits for building your application, from pure cross platform, to Mac-specific using MonoMac. Your Mac should certainly be able to boot 64 bit. Just to test, restart and hold down the 6 and 4 keys. Then check the System Profiler to see if the 64-bit Kernel and Extensions says 'Yes'. Yet, when I look in my Activity Monitor, I see Intel (64-bit) under 'Kind' running for almost all the processes except for a couple.

In the GUI, you can easily click the Apple menu () at the top left of your screen, and choose About This Mac. The version of OS X will be printed underneath the large bold Mac OS X title. Clicking on the Version XYZ text will reveal the Build number.

If you're writing a script though, you may wish to access this programmatically. There are several ways:

System Profiler


Mac OS X user defaults system

There are further options but they are not as optimized and simple to use. These should be sufficient!

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

The Terminal is the easiest way to access the Unix promptin Mac OS X. If you're familiar with Unix, youmay recognize its similarity to xterm implementations inLinux and other Unix-like operating systems; if not, theTerminal's non-graphical environment may be intimidating. However, itallows you to use built-in command line programs such asSSH and SFTP, and is required for some advancedMac OS X tasks.

Opening a Terminal window

To open a Terminal window:

  1. In the Finder, from the Go menu, chooseUtilities.
  2. In the Utilities window, double-click Terminal.

Terminal 64 Mac Os Download

Note: Be careful to enter commands precisely;entering the wrong command can render your computer unusable or causeother problems.

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